Code of Conduct

The importance of ethical behaviour grows with increasing globalisation. This code of conduct provides guidance for the business decisions of aluscreen GmbH.

1. We adhere to the law at national and international levels.
2. The protection of human rights is a matter of course for us.
3. We are committed to environmental protection and health and safety for our employees and customers.
4. We only develop and produce safe products for our customers.
5. We do not tolerate discrimination, threats or insults in the working environment of our employees.
6. When saving and processing personal data we adhere to applicable laws.
7. We handle the company’s values responsibly.
8. We refrain from any illegal operations such as bribery and corruption.
9. We only give or accept gifts and invitations in accordance with applicable laws.
10. We do not make false or misleading statements in our advertising.
11. We protect confidential information from all kinds of misuse.
12. We protect intellectual property, whether it is ours or from third parties.
13. Our website must comply with statutory regulations.